Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday March 13th.

Today we met with Mark and Sharon at Bennigan's to talk about the adoption process and where to start. The meeting was wonderful and I think both Dave and I are going to be very attached to them when all of this is said and done. We are truly blessed to be sharing this time with them.

Mostly we talked about paperwork and flight plans. We got some direction and the name of an agency that handles adoption. After lunch we headed over to the agency and picked up paperwork and talked a little about time and money. We have to start with some background checks and fingerprinting and go from there.

Dave and I are still very sure about this. It's not very often that he and I are driven in the same direction! But we both know what was layed on our hearts.

Today my prayer is for the birth mother. Lord, bless her life and keep her healthy and strong. Give her a peace that her baby will be loved and cared for. Most of all give her the strength to get through the last few weeks or months of pregnancy. Lord, I have such a love for her. Thank you for her and her sacrifice. Amen

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