Friday, July 6, 2007

Waiting Waiting Waiting

That is the word for today. Waiting. We are waiting today to find out if we have approval from Rwanda. We have talked to one of our senators and they will make a call to INS on our behalf, but they are waiting on us to tell them we have Rwandan approval.

Once we have approval we will still be waiting for the INS to give us the green light to identify an orphan.

Hurry up and wait seems to be the most common phrase with this adoption. But I also had to wait 40 weeks to see the babies I carried, so with all babies there is time to wait.

(If I was good at waiting we wouldn't have invented "Pre-Christmas Christmas".)

Here is something cool that dawned on me. Davis was born in Jan of 2001, so his bday is 01-26-01. Paige was born March of 03, so her bday is 03-07-03. If Ethan is born this month his bday will be 07-??-07. How cool is that??

We are still very hopeful that we will be leaving to pick him up the last week of this month.

While we are waiting I have been getting school clothes bought for D & P, school supplies ready to go, and buying things for the trip and shoving them under my bed. Hopefully when we get the letter from INS we will only have 2 weeks before we fly out and I don't want to spend the 2 weeks freaking out. I'd much rather spend quality time with the kids and be relaxed.

Speaking of waiting, the dryer just quit so I'd better go swap laundry.

Much love!

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