Saturday, January 19, 2008

{It's been a while}

Time seems to fly by these days and blogging gets put on the back burner. I do have a fun update for you.

Watch the story unfold below:

Davis has a loose tooth. His adult tooth is coming through in the back so we thought we might need to do something about it. The dentist charges $300 to pull a tooth. Being the rednecks that we are, we find another, more fun, option...

A BRICK! And not just one brick but two for good measure!

It was all fun and games until the dropping looked like it was REALLY going to happen...



Sweet boy did great! Now Dave-O is trying to think up new, exciting ways to get out the next one. The toothfairy may have to pay big on this one!


Jeanise said...

Ya'll r nuts.

Lee said...

stinkin hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Um is that even legal? SCAN anyone???

Serena Coles said...

I am so glad that you blogged about this event (and added the pictures!!). It makes the story even better!

Anonymous said...

Davis, what a big kid you are! And I assume the tooth fairy made up for the trauma of the brick??!!