Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

So, last night before bed I tell my sweet, excited kids "do not get out of bed or else you will scare the Easter bunny away". Normal mom stuff, right? Fast forward to 4:00 a.m. and I hear a noise next to my bed, so I reach out my hand...right as Paige projectile barfs all over my arm. Dave jumps out of bed, grabs towels and we try to wake up enough to figure out what just happened and why the dog is eating off the carpet. She throws up 2-3 more times then catches her breath long enough to look up at me and say "mom, I ran really fast in here so don't worry I didn't scare the bunny." then she barfed some more.

There goes my mom of the year award again this year. Dang.

Happy Easter to you!


Anonymous said...

I just lol'ed. That is hilarious. Those are the things that go in the scrapbook. Hope baby Paige is feeling better. Love ya. Lee

ferniBlog said...

I laughed, too! After I though...gross and poor you!!! Is she better?!